Most of us know what we need to do to become successful. We don't have to be experts in a field to make progress towards a goal. For example, if we want to become healthier, we don't have to be a fitness guru to know we need to eat healthier and work out more. If we want to be in a better financial position, we don't have to work on Wall Street to know we should save money and invest it wisely. In any given situation, most of us know SOMETHING we can do to work toward success. So why aren't there more successful people?
The key is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. We often set goals in a moment of passion, but we find that after that passion is gone, we are no longer motivated to do what it takes to reach that goal. That's where self-discipline comes in. Self-discipine is what drives a person to wake up at 5am to workout or to stay late in the office to complete paperwork. Self-discipline motivates a person to make follow-up calls when they don't feel like it, or to turn down dessert after dinner. Self-discipline moves a person to put 15% of their paycheck into a savings account every pay period. Self-discipline is the difference between winners and losers. When you look at professional athletes, their sheer talent is amazing! But when you really pay attention, you realize that it takes self-discipline combined with their talent to make them successful. They workout religiously, practice constantly, watch their diet, and devote time to learning plays and strategy. The result of their self-discipline is what you see on the court and on the field! So how do you achieve self-discipline?
Self-discipline can sometimes be difficult to acquire, but the payoff is great! If you ask any successsful person, the reward makes the difficult journey well worth it. If you are looking for an accountability partner or would like help in developing your self-discipline, let me help! I'm here for you!
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March 2024