Many of us have been there. Your supervisor is breathing down your neck and monitoring your every move. You can’t make a move without checking in first, you have to justify every decision, and every moment of your day has to be reported. You feel like you are being smothered, your creativity is stifled, and you are sure that you are being micromanaged. What can you do?
When we are being micromanaged by a leader, it is not uncommon to begin to wonder if your leader doubts your ability to fulfill your role. You may begin to feel undervalued or simply fed up and frustrated that you are not given the space to do your job. Before you quit or have a confrontation with your supervisor, consider the following steps:
Use this opportunity to build rapport with your supervisor and to demonstrate professionalism. No one appreciates being micromanaged so as you move up in leadership, remember to offer the same freedom to your team that you need to get the job done.
March 2024