We are most like the five people that we associate with the most. Stop and think about who those five people are in your life. Would you be pleased with yourself if you were like those people? Hopefully the answer is yes! If not, it may be time to evaluate who you allow to be in your circle.
There is a saying that, if you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. Although it may be gratifying to be the big fish in a small pond, that is not a situation that fosters growth. Anyone who is interested in moving to the next level has to begin to associate with people who are on the level that they are aiming to achieve. When you include those people in your circle, you position yourself to receive valuable advice and expertise as well as networking opportunities. How do you know when you have the right circle of peers?
As you grow in your career and your personal life, not everyone that you started with will be with you for the entire journey. Keep reevaluating who you are associating with to determine if your circle of friends and peers are helping your journey or hindering it. Are you ready to stretch yourself and move to the next level? Consider a coaching session! I'm here to help!
Reflection is a precursor to growth. It's nearly impossible to move forward when you do not know where you have been. The end of the year is a great time to pause and reflect on how you have grown and performed over the last calendar year. Before developing new goals and resolutions for the upcoming year, pause and think about your journey.
Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself:
Practicing the process of reflection will lay the foundation for your goal-setting. Those who do not identify and recognize their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Similarly, if you do not know your own recipe for success, it will make it more difficult to replicate that success. Do not skip the reflection process--it will provide you with the growth that you need to make incredible progress next year! During the holiday season, leaders may notice that their teams may not be as productive as they are during other times of the year. This may be an issue that is dependent upon the industry, but can affect any organization or team at any time. Some of the contriburing factors for decreased productivity during the holiday season include;
March 2024